
You may have noticed that RHRE comes with some themes built-in. Have you ever wanted to tweak a theme or make an entirely new one?

You can, and this is very simple to do! Starting with v3.19.0, a built-in Theme Editor was added. You can edit all the properties of themes and see the results in real-time.

JSON Editing

Every time you start the editor, a folder ~/.rhre3/themes (<user>/.rhre3/themes on Windows) will be made, and inside of that folder will be one more folder called examples. Inside the examples folder, every built-in theme will be put into a example_X.json file, where X is a number. You can open json files with a text editor (like Notepad++, don't use Windows Notepad).

Below is a sample json file:

  "name" : "(Example) Classic Light",
  "background" : "#EBEBEB",
  "trackLine" : "#191919",
  "waveform" : "#191919",
  "playalongFlicking" : "#00BC67CC",
  "texture" : "<insert optional Base64 encoded RGBA8888 PNG here>",
  "trackers" : {
    "playback" : "#00FF00",
    "musicStart" : "#FF0000",
    "musicVolume" : "#FF6600",
    "tempoChange" : "#6666E5"
  "entities" : {
    "selectionTint" : "#00BFBF",
    "nameColor" : "#000000",
    "cue" : "#D8D8D8",
    "pattern" : "#D8D8FF",
    "special" : "#FFD4BA",
    "equidistant" : "#FFB2BF",
    "keepTheBeat" : "#FFE27C"
  "selection" : {
    "selectionFill" : "#19BFBF54",
    "selectionBorder" : "#19D8D8"

You'll notice that most of these are just RGB hex values. The name is self-explanatory. Most of the colours are grouped into sections, like trackers or entities.

Note: if you see a longer hex colour like #19BFBF54, the last two digits are alpha/transparency values. If left out, these default to FF (full opacity).

The optional texture field accepts a Base64 encoded PNG image. The RGBA8888 simply means each pixel is 32-bits, and has transparency. You can use a website like this one to convert your images for you. If this field is omitted, blank, invalid, or the text is something like <text here> in angle brackets, no texture will be loaded.


Version Description
v3.4.0 The subtitle field name in entities was changed to special.
v3.6.0 the timeSignature field inside the trackers group was removed. Time signatures now use the trackLine colour.
v3.19.0 All fields are optional and inherit from the Classic Light theme if missing.
v3.19.0 Added playalongFlicking field.