News API

Note: This likely only concerns you if you are a developer looking to implement the News API for yourself.

The base URL for news API requests is

Rate Limits

Header Desc. Example Value
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum amount of actions in a given interval. 15
X-RateLimit-Remaining The number of actions remaining for the current interval. 13
X-RateLimit-Reset The Epoch milliseconds for when the rate limit resets. 1522627193
X-RateLimit-Window The rate limit interval in minutes. 15

For example, if given:

X-RateLimit-Limit     → 15
X-RateLimit-Remaining → 13
X-RateLimit-Reset     → 1522627193000
X-RateLimit-Window    → 30

as part of the response headers, one can determine that there are 13 of 15 actions remaining for this 30 minute interval, which resets at Epoch milliseconds 1522627193000.


GET /articles

Querystring Type Description
experimental boolean If true, will return experimental articles (used for debugging).
limit uint If present, returns only up to this amount of articles. Must be in range [1, 50]. Defaults to 16.

Returns a json array of recent Articles with any count. May be empty.

GET /articles/{}

Returns the Article with the given ID, or 404 if non-existent.

JSON Objects


Represents a news article.

Field Type Description
id string The article's unique ID.
title string The article's title.
longTitle string The article's long title. Optional, defaults to title.
body string The article's body.
thumbnail string The article's thumbnail URL. May be blank, but never null. If starting with tex:, uses a texture ID.
publishedAt long The Epoch milliseconds of publication.
url string? If not null, provides a URL to go to with a button.
urlTitle string? If not null, provides the title for the URL button.
experimental boolean If true, means the news is only for DEVELOPMENT, SNAPSHOT, or RC versions.
  "id": "welcomeToRHRE",
  "title": "Welcome to RHRE!",
  "longTitle": "Welcome to the Rhythm Heaven Remix Editor!",
  "body": "This is an example body.\nIt has multiple lines in it.",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "publishedAt": 1522627193000,
  "url": "",
  "urlTitle": "RHRE GitHub Page"