JSON Object Definitions for Databasing

All the sounds and patterns in RHRE are defined in a data.json file in each game's folder.
If you're looking for the specifics of modding metadata introduced in v3.17.0, see this article instead.


Please use the RHRE SFX Database Editor to edit the SFX Database. It comes with error checking and is significantly easier to use compared to editing a JSON file by hand.

ID rules

IDs must only consist of ASCII alphanumerics, hyphens -, forward slashes / (not game IDs), and underscores _.

Game type IDs are always just lowerCamelCase. They cannot have forward slashes. Cue type IDs are gameID/filename. Pattern type IDs are gameID_id.

coolGame - Name of the game
coolGame/buzzer - A sound in the coolGame folder named buzzer
coolGame_pattern - A pattern for coolGame

Shortened IDs (*-substitution)

Writing out the game ID prefix over and over for your cues is quite annoying. That's why there's a shorthand syntax to substitute the current game's ID in, called *-substitution (star-substitution). Every instance of an asterisk * will be replaced with the parent game's ID.

The only IDs that are star-substitutable are cue/pattern IDs, response IDs, and IDs used in CuePointerObjects.

Examples (coolGame is the game ID):
coolGame/buzzer should be shortened to */buzzer
coolGame_pattern should be shortered to *_pattern

Note that this only works in the same GameObject the star-ID is in. If you're referring to other cues or patterns NOT from this same GameObject, you must put its full ID.

Language suffixes

Some games may be language-specific. You should use the correct icon overlay in the example/ folder in the SFX Database, and use the following table for language suffixes (capitalize the first letter when necessary):

Language Suffix
English en
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Spanish es
French fr
Italian it
German de

A note on deprecated IDs

deprecatedIDs is an array of old IDs that are no longer used, but refer to this current object for older save files. You will see them frequently.

Data types

There are several data types available to you to use. Each field has a specific data type that cannot be swapped with another.

All types cannot be null unless otherwise stated.

Note: In the following tables for the object types, you may see a question mark (?) at the end of the name. Ex: (string?, number?) This means that the field is optional, and doesn't have to be included if it's not necessary.

Name Syntax Example Purpose
string "" "hello" Text
boolean true or false true To indicate truth values
number digits of 0-9, decimals allowed 1.0 Numbers that can have decimals
integer digits 0-9, no decimals 150 Non-decimal numbers
array [] ["first", "second", "third"] A "list" of other types
id same as string "spaceDanceEn" A unique identifer for this object, see ID rules above

GameObject structure

All data.json files for each game are a GameObject.

  "id": "lowerCamelCaseID",
  "name": "Human-Readable Name",
  "objects": [],
  "series": "tengoku",
  // optional fields after this comment
  "language": "en",
  "group": "Human-Readable Name",
  "groupDefault": false,
  "priority": 0,
  "searchHints": [],
  "noDisplay": false
Field Type Description
id id Game type ID
name string Name of game (see below for specific info)
objects array of objects Objects like cues, patterns, etc.
series string Determines the sort category. See below for valid values.
language string? Language type of the game. See above section "Language suffixes" for allowed values. Used to append language names in-editor.
group string? Name of game without language/game info (see below)
groupDefault boolean? Whether this game is the first to show in its group
priority integer? Priority for sorting games in the picker. Higher numbers are earlier, lower numbers are later (can be negative).
searchHints (array of strings)? Other tags to search this game by in the picker. Optional, defaults to empty array.
noDisplay boolean? Whether to ignore this game in game sections/presentation mode (default false)

The name field is a properly Title Case capitalized name. This is in English. If this game appears in multiple series, for example both in RHDS and Megamix, the name of the series used should be in parentheses after the name of the game. Use official game name titles wherever possible; use fan-translated names as a last resort.
Example of series: Space Dance (Megamix) and Space Dance (GBA).
Example of using official game titles: instead of Cosmo Dance, use Cosmic Dance
If the language field is set, the language name will automatically be appended to the game name.

Series' names:

Game Suffix
Rhythm Tengoku (GBA)
Rhythm Heaven (DS)
Rhythm Heaven Fever (Fever)
Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Megamix)

The objects array is an array of various object types, which will be explained below. It is very important that each object definition contain the type field, which is used to determine the object's type.

The series field is a string showing what series this game belongs to.

Note: if this is not present it defaults to "other".

Series Field Value
Other other
GBA tengoku
DS ds
Fever fever
Megamix megamix
Side side

The optional group field is the full name of the group this data object belongs to, if it has variants. For example, gleeClubEnMegamix would have the group value be Glee Club (Megamix) to be grouped with other data objects that also have the same group value. Games with groupDefault set to true will appear earlier in the variant list.

Reserved Game IDs

The IDs below are reserved and cannot be overwritten.

ID Name Since
special Special Entities v3.0.0
specialPlayalong Playalong Input Entities v3.17.0

CuePointerObject structure

  "id": "cueID",
  "beat": 1.0,
  // optional fields after this comment
  "duration": 1.0,
  "track": 0,
  "semitone": 0,
  "volume": 100,
  "metadata": {}

CuePointerObject is used to store extra data like pitch for creating entities. You will find them in multipart objects such as patterns.

Field Type Description
id string String ID pointing to object
beat number The beat this cue will appear at
duration number? If present, overrides the duration of the cue with this value
track integer? Indicates how many tracks up/down (up is positive) to put this cue
semitone integer? Number of semitones to pitch up/down
volume integer? 0-300 value of a percentage volume. Default 100. Cannot be negative.
metadata map? Extra key/value data (see below)

Note that the only fields shown here ARE the ones it has, but not every field from CueObject may be used depending on the situation.

The metadata object is optional, and acts as a key/value map.
Below is a list of potential properties:

Entity Type Field Name Field Type Field Values
subtitleEntity subtitleText string <user-defined>


"metadata": {
  "subtitleText": "Predefined subtitle text!"

CueObject structure

  "type": "cue",
  "id": "*/lowerCamelCaseID",
  "deprecatedIDs": [],
  "name": "human-readable cue name",
  "duration": 1.0,
  // optional fields after this comment
  "stretchable": false,
  "repitchable": false,
  "writtenPitch": 0,
  "fileExtension": "ogg",
  "loops": false,
  "baseBpm": 120.0,
  "useTimeStretching": true,
  "earliness": 0.0,
  "loopStart": 0.1,
  "loopEnd": 1.0,
  "pitchBending": false,

  "introSound": "other/ID",
  "endingSound": "other/ID2",

  "responseIDs": []

A CueObject defines a sound to be loaded by the editor. It also contains metadata such as the duration and its editable abilities.

Field Type Description
type string Always "cue"
id id Cue type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
duration number Duration of this cue in beats
stretchable boolean? If true, the cue can be dragged longer or shorter
repitchable boolean? If true, the cue can have its pitch changed by the user
fileExtension string? File extension of the cue sound file. You should generally always use OGG Vorbis files, so you shouldn't have to use this field.
loops boolean? If true, this cue loops its sound. Defaults to false.
baseBpm number? If present, this cue will get adjusted automatically based on the tempo. See below for more info. Must be greater than zero if present.
useTimeStretching boolean? If true, this cue will use time stretching when used in conjunction with baseBpm. Defaults to true. If false, only the rate will change (which will naturally affect the pitch).
baseBpmRules string? The rules for when to apply baseBpm. See below for valid values. Defaults to "always".
introSound id? If present, will play this other sound at the start of the cue. See below for more info.
endingSound id? If present, will play this other sound at the end of the cue. See below for more info.
responseIDs (array of IDs)? If present, these IDs will be used for response-copying. See below for more info.
earliness number? If present, indicates the number of seconds early to play this cue. Useful for voiced cues where certain syllables start earlier. Negative values should not be used. Defaults to 0.0.
loopStart number? If present, indicates the loop start point in seconds. Only works if loops is true. Must be less than loopEnd.
loopEnd number? If present, indicates the loop end point in seconds. Only works if loops is true. Must be greater than loopStart. If less than or equal to zero, defaults to the end of the sample. Defaults to 0.0.
pitchBending boolean? If present, this cue is affected by the pitch bending entity. Has no effect if this cue uses baseBpm. Defaults to false.
writtenPitch int? If present and not zero, represents the written pitch of this cue. Ex: if 2, the zero-semitone pitch will be displayed as "[D]" instead of "C". Defaults to zero.

The id field is structured like this: dataObjectID/lowerCamelCaseSoundFileName. If the parent data object's ID is spaceDance, and this sound's name is turnRight, therefore this ID is spaceDance/turnRight. If there are more folders, you should include them in the path separated by more forward slashes. Example: flipperFlop/appreciation/nice is the sound file nice.ogg inside the folder appreciation/ which has a parent folder of flipperFlop.

The name field is a name. This is in English, except for the romanization/latinization of foreign language words. Avoid capitals. The only time you should be using capitals are for the following: proper noun I, "Remix X", "Fever" (in the context of the game). If this is syllabic (part of a longer sound cue), you should add a hyphen with spaces surrounding it to break up words. The program will automatically convert these into newlines. Do not use newline characters.
Example (First Contact): alien - 1, alien - 2, etc.

The introSound and endingSound fields are optional string IDs to indicate sounds that should be played at the beginning and end of the main sound cue, respectively. They must be CueObjects also. Cues that are either intro or ending sounds will not be pickable. These are useful for cues like Moai Doo-Wop, where there is an intro singing sound ('d' in "doo"), and an ending sound (wop).

The responseIDs array is an array of possible "response" sound IDs for use with the response-copying. Useful for copy-and-response games.

If baseBpm is used, the sound effect will be pitched accordingly during playback based on the current tempo relative to the value set in baseBpm. Example: When playing at 180 BPM and the base BPM is 120, the sound effect will be sped up by 1.5x. The useTimeStretching field (introduced in v3.19.0) attempts to keep the pitch constant while changing the sound's tempo.

baseBpmRules values:

Value Meaning
always The baseBpm value will always be applied.
noTimeStretch The baseBpm value will only be applied if time stretching is not available.
onlyTimeStretch The baseBpm value will only be applied if time stretching is available.

PatternObject structure

  "type": "pattern",
  "id": "*_lowerCamelCaseID",
  "deprecatedIDs": [],
  "name": "human-readable pattern name",
  "cues": [ // array of CuePointerObjects
      // see CuePointerObject
  // optional fields after this comment
  "stretchable": false

A PatternObject is a series of cues bundled together. They contain default settings for each cue, such as its position (in beats and track number), its pitch adjustment (semitone), and duration (defaults to original duration).

Field Type Description
type string Always "pattern"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
cues array of CuePointerObjects The cues for this pattern
stretchable boolean? If true, the pattern can be dragged longer or shorter

The array of CuePointerObjects uses the standard cue pointer object fields.

EquidistantObject structure

  "type": "equidistant",
  "id": "*_lowerCamelCaseID",
  "deprecatedIDs": [],
  "name": "human-readable name",
  "distance": 1.0,
  "stretchable": false,
  "cues": [ // ORDERED array of CuePointerObjects
      // see CuePointerObject
      // "beat" and  "duration" fields are NOT used

The EquidistantObject represents a pattern where each cue is equidistant from each other. That is to say, if the distance is 2.0 beats, each cue will be 2.0 beats apart based on left endpoints. The stretchable field indicates if this entity is stretchable or not (ex: Bouncy Road).

Field Type Description
type string Always "equidistant"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
distance number Distance between each internal cue. Must be positive.
stretchable boolean If true, the pattern can be dragged longer or shorter
cues array of CuePointerObjects The cues for this pattern

Examples of games with equidistant objects: Bouncy Road, Sneaky Spirits, Built to Scale (DS)

The CuePointerObjects used are ordered and do NOT use the beat and duration fields.

KeepTheBeatObject structure

  "type": "keepTheBeat",
  "id": "*_lowerCamelCaseID",
  "deprecatedIDs": [],
  "name": "human-readable name",
  "defaultDuration": 2.0,
  "cues": [ // ORDERED array of CuePointerObjects
      // see CuePointerObject

The KeepTheBeatObject is similar to the EquidistantObject, but it repeats over and over. This is for things like Lockstep marching patterns, or Flipper-Flop, but is not limited to same-beat patterns. This is a type of pattern that can repeat itself.

Field Type Description
type string Always "keepTheBeat"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
defaultDuration number Minimum duration when initially placed. Must be positive. See below for more info.
cues array of CuePointerObjects The cues for this pattern

Examples of games with keep-the-beat objects: Lockstep, Tap Troupe, Flipper-Flop, Rhythm Rally

The defaultDuration field is the duration when initially placed. It also acts as the interval for when to repeat the pattern in cues.

Note, if the total duration of cues is longer than defaultDuration, the repeating interval will be this longer value.

The CuePointerObjects used are ordered.

RandomCueObject structure

  "type": "randomCue",
  "id": "*_lowerCamelCaseID",
  "deprecatedIDs": [],
  "name": "human-readable name, usually 'random X'",
  "cues": [ // array of CuePointerObjects
      // see CuePointerObject
      // "beat" field ignored
  // optional fields after this comment
  "responseIDs": []

The RandomCueObject is like a pattern except it only chooses one of the objects in the cues array at random when played.

Field Type Description
type string Always "randomCue"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
cues array of CuePointerObjects The possible cues to use
responseIDs (array of IDs)? If present, this can be response-copied. See CueObject for more info.

You are not limited to just using CueObjects in the cues array.

Examples of games with random cue objects: Ringside (has variants), First Contact (speech sounds)

The CuePointerObject is unchanged, but the beat field is not used.

Other object types

Some object types are used internally and should not be edited or created. They are generally not editable using RSDE (RHRE SFX Database Editor) but can be loaded by it.

PitchDependentObject structure

  "type": "pitchDependent",
  "id": "*_lowerCamelCaseID",
  "deprecatedIDs": [],
  "name": "human-readable name",
  "intervals": {
    "..-13": "*/lowerRegister",
    "-12..12": "*/middleRegister",
    "13..": "*/higherRegister"
  // optional fields after this comment
  "responseIDs": []

This entity is used to select other CueObjects depending on the pitch of this entity. Useful for situations where one has multiple instrument samples for various pitch intervals. All samples should be pitched in unison (have the same base pitch).

Field Type Description
type string Always "pitchDependent"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
intervals map A map of intervals to CueObject IDs. May be star-substituted. See section below for interval format. If a semitone value does not fit in any interval, an arbitrary value is chosen, so it's up to you to ensure that all values are included in an interval.

Interval format

Intervals are integers-only. Intervals may not mutually contain the same integer in their bounds. Intervals may be unbounded on only zero or one ends. All space characters are ignored.


Syntax Meaning Example(s)
X..Y The all-inclusive interval from X to Y, where X is less than or equal to Y. "0..5", "-1 .. 0", "-9..+9"
X..X The single-element interval containing only X. "5..5"
..Y The inclusive unbounded interval from negative infinity to Y. "..-1"
X.. The inclusive unbounded interval from X to positive infinity. "0.."


This object type is for subtitles, and the song artist/song title pop-outs.

Field Type Description
type string Always "subtitleEntity"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
subtitleType string? The type of subtitle. Only values: "subtitle", "songTitle", and "songArtist". Defaults to "subtitle".


This object type is for the End Remix entity.

Field Type Description
type string Always "endEntity"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker


This object type is for the Shake entity.

Field Type Description
type string Always "shakeEntity"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker


This object type is for the Texture entity.

Field Type Description
type string Always "textureEntity"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker


This object type is for the Tape Measure entity.

Field Type Description
type string Always "tapeMeasure"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker


This object type is used for the Playalong Input entities.

Field Type Description
type string Always "playalongEntity"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker
stretchable boolean True if this entity is stretchable.
method string? The playalong method for this entity. See below for valid method IDs. Defaults to PRESS.
input string? The playalong input for this entity. See below for valid input IDs. Defaults to A.

Method IDs

ID Description Is two-stage?
PRESS Used for pressing a button with no release. This is the most common method type. N
PRESS_AND_HOLD Used for pressing a button with a release. Y
LONG_PRESS Used for pressing a button with a release, but the release will never be late. Example: Samurai Slice (Fever) whirlwind Y
RELEASE_AND_HOLD Used where the first input is a release and ends with a hold. Example: Glee Club Y
RELEASE Used for Quick Tap. N

Input IDs

ID Description
A Button A inputs
B Button B inputs
+ D-Pad (any direction) inputs
A_+ Button A or D-Pad inputs
+_up D-Pad Up inputs
+_down D-Pad Down inputs
+_left D-Pad Left inputs
+_right D-Pad Right inputs
touch_tap Tapping the touchscreen inputs
touch_flick Flicking the touchscreen inputs
touch_release Releasing a tap on the touchscreen input
touch_quick_tap Quick Tap on the touchscreen input. Fires on the release
touch_slide Sliding on the touchscreen input


This object type is used for the DJ School Music Distortion entity.

Field Type Description
type string Always "musicDistortEntity"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker


This object type is used to affect cues that have pitch bending enabled.

Field Type Description
type string Always "pitchBenderEntity"
id id Pattern type ID
deprecatedIDs array of IDs Old, defunct IDs that this object used to have (backwards compatibility)
name string Human-readable name
subtext string Optional subtext that can be used as a brief description, shown in the pattern picker