Launch arguments

Below is a list of possible launch arguments for RHRE.
They are put after java -jar bin/RHRE.jar. (java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar bin/RHRE.jar for macOS)

Example if you wanted to enable SFXDB verification: java -jar bin/RHRE.jar --verify-sfxdb

Example if you wanted to see all available arguments: java -jar bin/RHRE.jar --help

Name Since Description
--force-lazy-sound-load v3.0.0 Forces the registry to load every sound file into memory. This will hang the editor at the end of the Loading games section for several seconds.
--skip-git v3.0.0 Skips checking the online Git repository completely. This is overridden by --force-git-check, though.
--force-git-fetch v3.0.0 Forces a Git fetch. This will skip the initial check, but can be forced with -force-git-check.
--force-git-check v3.1.0 Forces a check to the online Git repository.
--verify-sfxdb v3.18.4 Does a verification on the loaded SFX Database. Useful to ensure all pointers point to valid objects, etc.
--no-analytics v3.10.0 Disables sending of analytics.
--no-online-counter v3.12.0 Disables the online user count feature.
--output-generated-datamodels v3.12.0 Writes out games that are generated internally in JSON format to console on start-up.
--output-custom-sfx v3.12.0 Writes out custom SFX that don't have data.json (i.e.: just sound files in a folder) in JSON format to console on start-up.
--show-tapalong-markers v3.17.0 Shows tapalong tap markers by default.
--midi-recording v3.17.0 Enables MIDI recording, a hidden feature. Using a MIDI device while the remix is playing will write notes to the remix.
--portable-mode v3.17.0 Puts the .rhre3/ folder and preferences locally next to the RHRE.jar file. May be useful for portable flash drives.
--fps <number> v3.18.8 Sets the target frame rate. Defaults to 60. Always at least 30.
--log-missing-localizations v3.18.8 Logs any missing localizations to the console, checked against the default properties file.
--disable-custom-sounds v3.19.0 Disables loading of custom sounds.


Name Versions Description
--beads-sound-system v3.3.0 to v3.6.4 Forces the use of the Beads sound system. This does nothing as the libGDX sound system is defunct as of v3.3.0.
--force-expansion-splash v3.12.0 to v3.16.0 Forces the RHRExpansion splash screen to appear on startup. This has since been removed.
--verify-registry v3.1.1 to v3.18.7 A deprecated alias for --verify-sfxdb.
--fps=<number> v3.17.0 to v3.18.7 Same as --fps but required the equals sign before the value.