Remix file format

The .rhre3 file format is a standard compressed ZIP file. You can open it with programs such as 7zip.

All JSON fields are non-null unless otherwise specified. Not all RHRE3 remix.json files are directly backwards compatible.


The music.bin file is present only if the remix has music. It is a copy of the original music file in the same format it was originally.


You may see several hexadecimal.png entries. These are the textures used in the remix. They are referred to in remix.json. They are always PNG files.


The remix.json file has all the remix data in it.

It is a top-level object with the following fields:

Field Name Field Type Optional? Description
version string N The version this remix was saved in.
databaseVersion integer N The SFX Database used in this remix.
playbackStart double Optional, defaults to 0.0. Where the playback start marker is, in beats.
musicStartSec double Optional, defaults to 0.0. Where the music start marker is, in seconds.
trackCount integer Optional, defaults to 5 if not present. Non-null. The number of tracks available. Usually ranges from 1 to 10. Can be greater than 10. Values less than zero are coerced to 1.
isAutosave boolean Optional, defaults to false. Whether this remix is an autosave. Autosaves are not autosaved.
midiInstruments integer Optional, defaults to 0. The number of midi instruments that were in the original midi. This is only used for the Glee Club visualization. Positive values only.
musicData music data object (see below) N The music data object. See its table below.
textures array of strings Optional and nullable, defaults to null If not null, contains a list of hexadecimal hashes referring to the textures in the containing rhre3 file.
entities array of entity objects (see below) N Contains the entities used in the remix.
trackers trackers object (see below) N Contains the trackers (tempo changes and music volume changes) used in the remix.
timeSignatures array of time signatures (see below) N Contains the time signatures used in the remix.

musicData object fields:

Field Name Field Type Optional? Description
present boolean N Whether or not music is present.
filename string Only present if the present field is true. The original file name of the music.
extension string Only present if the present field is true. The file extension/type of the music. This is used to determine how to decode the music.bin file.

trackers object

The trackers object has two object fields, tempos and musicVolumes. Both objects only have their own trackers array of either tempo changes or music volume changes, respectively.

Tempo Change object fields

Field Name Field Type Optional? Description
beat double N The beat this tracker is on.
seconds double Technically optional, always provided by RHRE3. If not present, it is calculated on-the-fly. The seconds this tracker is on. RHRE3 provides, but does not use this value (it is calculated on-the-fly).
bpm double N The BPM (beats per minute) that this tempo change switches to.
swingRatio integer Optional, defaults to 50. The swing ratio of this tempo change. Example: A value of 60 means the first "beat" is lengthened to a 60/40 ratio, giving a swing effect.
swingDivision double Optional, defaults to 1.0. The swing "note". 1.0 indicates 8th note swing, and 0.5 indicates 16th note swing. The formula 8 / division gives you the Xth note (8th, 16th, 32nd, etc.).

Music Volume Change object fields

Field Name Field Type Optional? Description
beat double N The beat this tracker starts on.
width double Optional, defaults to 0.0. The width of the tracker. Can be zero, but not negative.
volume integer N The volume in percentage points. Coerced to 0-200.

timeSignatures object fields

Field Name Field Type Optional? Description
beat integer N The beat this time signature is on.
divisions integer Optional, defaults to 4. The X in X/Y time signatures.
measure integer Optional (calculated on-the-fly in RHRE). The measure this time signature is on.
beatUnit integer Optional, defaults to 4. The Y in X/Y time signature. Typically a power of two.

Entity object fields

Entity objects can have varying fields depending on the type of entity.

Field Name Field Type Optional? Description
type string N The type of entity. This is always model.
`beat double N The beat where this entity starts (left face).
track integer N The position on the track where this entity sits (bottom face). 0 is the bottom-most track.
width double N The width of the entity in beats.
height integer N The height of the entity in track segments.
datamodel string Always present when type is model, which is always true. The database ID of this entity.
semitone integer Optional, defaults to 0. The number of semitones to pitch this entity up or down. If the entity cannot be repitched at all, this has no effect. If the entity is a shake entity (datamodel is special_shakeEntity), this controls the shake intensity (2^(semitone / 12)).
volume integer Optional, defaults to 100. The number of percentage points of volume that this entity should be played back at. Always between 0-300 in RHRE3.
texHash string Optional. Can be null. Appears only when datamodel is special_textureEntity, The texture hash that this texture entity refers to. If null or not present, it indicates that this texture entity has no texture yet.
subtitle string Only present if datamodel is a subtitle entity, specifically special_subtitleEntity, special_songTitleEntity, and special_songArtistEntity. The subtitle text for this subtitle entity. If not present, defaults to "<failed to read text>".


  "version": "v3.13.0",
  "databaseVersion": 61,
  "playbackStart": 0.0,
  "musicStartSec": -0.07472682,
  "trackCount": 5,
  "isAutosave": false,
  "midiInstruments": 0,
  "musicData": {
    "present": true,
    "filename": "Hi_Louis_-_Scatman_John.mp3",
    "extension": "mp3"
  "textures": [
  "entities": [
      "type": "model",
      "beat": -0.625,
      "track": -1,
      "width": 3.125,
      "height": 1,
      "datamodel": "special_textureEntity",
      "texHash": "36187c46ebffc0a52ce7f83efc50ad062939f423"
      "type": "model",
      "beat": 0.0,
      "track": 0,
      "width": 1.875,
      "height": 1,
      "datamodel": "special_subtitleEntity",
      "subtitle": "Ski-bop po-dee"
      "type": "model",
      "beat": 2.0,
      "track": 0,
      "width": 2.0,
      "height": 1,
      "datamodel": "spaceDanceEn_andpose1"
  "trackers": {
    "tempos": {
      "trackers": [
          "beat": 0.0,
          "seconds": 0.0,
          "bpm": 115.0,
          "swingRatio": 50,
          "swingDivision": 1.0
    "musicVolumes": {
      "trackers": [
          "beat": 0.0,
          "width": 0.0,
          "volume": 100
  "timeSignatures": [
      "beat": 0,
      "divisions": 4,
      "measure": 1