
Starting in v3.8.0, the localization system changed (as a result of the backend system changing).

All files noted are found inside the RHRE.jar file in the localization directory.

All text files noted use the encoding UTF-8.


This file is a simple json file that defines the languages to be loaded. It is an array of objects with these fields (French given as an example):

  "name": "Français (French)",
  "locale": {
    "language": "fr",
    "country": "",
    "variant": ""

This defines the language to have the name Français (French), using the locale fr. This means that it will use the file default_fr.properties.

The file used is defined simply as default_LANGUAGE_COUNTRY_VARIANT.properties.

Note that if you only define country or variant without a language, or variant without a language and/or country, you have to put underscores as if they were present. Example: defining only the variant test would need a properties file named default___test.properties (three underscores).

Note that if a properties file can't be found, the next most specific file will be used. For example, if you defined the language with the locale default_fr_CA_var1 (French, Canada, variation 1), if that file didn't exist it would look at default_fr_CA.properties, then default_fr.properties, then finally default.properties.

default.properties files

This file, among its other types, hold the actual text data. They follow the formatting outlined by this libGDX documentation.

Simply, it is a set of key/value pairs.


Places where there are {0}, {1}, etc. mean that the program replaces that with a value at runtime. \n indicates a newline. \ at the end of a line means the string continues on the next line (without adding an actual newline).

Escaping special characters is done by doubling it. For example, if you want to put {0} WITHOUT acting as a replacement, put {{0}. Note that this is contrary to the standard Java MessageFormat, and is a libGDX-specific feature.

Making testing faster and easier

If you remove the langs.json and/or default.properties files from the jar file, you can make a folder named localization in the same directory as the RHRE.jar file and it will look there for files if it isn't present inside the jar.

Pressing F8+I will reload all the localization without closing and reopening the program.